To fascinate. In my mind, that’s the primary goal of commercial and editorial photography. Only after we’ve captivated the viewer can we tell a story, or convey an emotion, or build a brand effectively.

Fascination heightens our intellectual focus. It deepens our emotional responses. Fascinate your audience with an image, and you’ve taken the first step in persuading them to take action; whether you’re building a brand or trying to change the world.

I’ve photographed executives, protestors, survivors, and humanitarians. I’ve managed sets with models and stylists and assistants and creative directors. No matter the ultimate commercial or editorial goal, my primary mission is always clear: to fascinate.

What fascinates me the most, is people. Human beings. Love. People. Relationships. Experiences. Those are the reasons I chose photography as a profession.

My name is Todd Maughan. I’m a commercial and editorial photographer based in Madison, Wisconsin. I’m passionate about the art and craft of photography, and its ability to fascinate audiences. And I’m lucky, every day, to pour that passion into my clients’ projects.

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